
Mariana Imaz-Sheinbaum foto_mariana

Mariana was born and raised in Mexico City. She has a BA in History at UNAM and a MA in Comparative Literature at the University of Barcelona. She is currently working on her PhD at UC Santa Cruz in the Philosophy department. Her work focuses on philosophy of history, particularly, in the influence of literature and poetry over historical writing. More broadly, she has worked as a research assistant and as an adjunct professor for three years at UNAM teaching in the History and Sociology majors.

Stephanie Lain for-website

Stephanie Lain is a Lecturer in the Department of Languages and Applied Linguistics. She holds an MA and PhD in Spanish from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include experimental phonetics, speech perception, and applied linguistics. She has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate Spanish language courses, including Advanced Grammar and Composition I & II, Spanish Phonetics and Phonology, Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics, Language and Society, Professional Oral Communication, Evolving Society in Hispanic Countries, Medical Spanish and more.

José Antonio Villarán villaran-photo

José Antonio Villarán is the author of La distancia es siempre la misma (Matalamanga) and El cerrajero (Álbum del Universo Bakterial). In 2008 he created the AMLT project, an exploration of hypertext literature and collective authorship; the project was sponsored by Puma from 2011-2014. He has taught literature, creative writing, English composition and rhetoric classes at several academic institutions, and has extensive experience as a writing tutor. He holds an MFA in Writing from University of California San Diego, and is currently a PhD student of Literature at UC Santa Cruz.